Just because you have your own master key doesn't mean it's the key that will open YOUR mind to the TRUTH of the kingdom.
THE KEY .......of me, myself and I, will never UNLOCK the door to the kingdom of God.
Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
Luke 9:23
Notice the word "if" anyone desires to come after Me;
Yashua never said He would force anyone to follow Him. He did say, "if" anyone wants to follow Me
then here are the requirements,
Deny yourself what? Anything and everything that puts Him second.
2. Take up YOUR cross EVERYDAY and follow Him.
3. Yashua NEVER said, denying yourself was a part-time option.
4. Yashua NEVER said, take up His cross everyday, He carried His cross and YOU must carry yours.
We are to carry our cross through the power of Yahweh's Holy Spirit and the example that Yashua gave us.
We need to stop trying to be our own key-maker and follow the ONE that is the TRUE KEY, He will lead us to EL.
He will open the door to the kingdom of God if you will seek Him and knock, knock, Knock.
Can you imagine that people's immortality could hinge on "if"?
All that Yahweh has promised is there for those who ........ "If".
In December 2009, our family traveled up to Blountsville, Alabama to visit
my cousin Jami and her family. It was bitttterly cold but equally as
beautiful. ...
15 years ago
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