P - praise
R - repent
A - ask
Y - yield
Think of prayer this way. Think of a powerful 100 car freight train loaded with supplies, materials and equipment. Without an engine it will just sit on the tracks in the train yard, going nowhere. Prayer is the engine, the power that gets our freight train moving down the tracks. We are the engineers that must turn on the power to the engine for the train to move down the tracks and get to its destination. Without prayer, we are powerless and going nowhere.
John 14:12-14
John 15:16
John 16:24
Matthew 11:25
Matthew 9:38
James 1:6-7
James 4:3
1 John 5:14-15
Mark 11:24
Philippians 4:6
Galatians 6:9
Hebrews 11:1
In December 2009, our family traveled up to Blountsville, Alabama to visit
my cousin Jami and her family. It was bitttterly cold but equally as
beautiful. ...
15 years ago
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